All of California
Sustainable Conservation’s ESSENTIAL GUIDE for Accelerated Restoration Permitting. Use this guide to quickly see available pathways for accelerated restoration permitting and the benefits and details of each. Last updated on 2/14/2025.
Wetland Project Permitting Guide: Permitting Stream and Wetland Projects in Ventura County and along the Santa Clara River in Los Angeles County, Ventura County Planning Commission, 2006. This document was published before many accelerated permitting pathways were put put in place, but still contains valuable information. Although it was written for a specific location, much of the information applies to all of California.
Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) of Central California Coast (CCC) coho salmon (Humboldt through Santa Cruz counties)
Permitting Large Wood Augmentation Projects in the ESU of Central California Coho Salmon: A Guidance Document. Prepared by the Wood for Salmon Working Group, December 2011.
Note: this document was published before the Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Act went into effect. Restoration and enhancement projects approved by CDFW, pursuant to HREA, do not require additional permits from CDFW, such as a Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) agreement or California Endangered Species Act (CESA) permit. It was also published before the North and Central Coast Federal Consistency Determination was issued, which can be used for projects in the Coastal Zone that are covered under the Central Coast NMFS Biological Opinion.
San Francisco Bay Area (Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Solano, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara)
Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (BRRIT) page of Resources and Tools, including a Permit Application Checklist and list of helpful links for restoration projects in the 9 Bay Area counties. See BRRIT FAQs here.
Coastal California
Efficient Permitting Roadmap: A guide to the regulatory process for coastal sediment management actions. Kordesch, W. K., and M. Delaney (2024). Report of the North-Central California Coastal Sediment Coordination Committee. San Francisco, CA 65pp.
California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application Guidance: Aquaculture and Marine Restoration. December 2020
Sierra Meadows
Permitting and Compliance for Meadow Restoration Practitioners V.1. Sierra Meadows Partnership Working Paper 3: PP 1- 42. Keszey, Levi. 2018. Contact contributing author, Julie Fair from American Rivers at for information regarding this document. Includes sections about NEPA, CEQA, USACE, Endangered Species Consultation with FWS and CDFW, State Water Board 401 and 402 permitting, and a strategic roadmap to compliance and permits.